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Dr Luke Mooney

  Dr Luke Mooney – Knee | Hip | Shoulder Surgeon


Hip, Knee & Shoulder

Dr Mooney brings knee and shoulder arthroscopic joint reconstruction techniques mastered whilst working in North America.

He is passionate about accurate planning and execution for all his procures, and performs knee and hip replacement surgeries using individualised surgical planning.

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Dr Raymond Yu – Adelaide Shoulder Surgeon

Shoulder | Elbow | Wrist Procedures

Fellowship trained shoulder and elbow orthopaedic surgeon

Dr Yu utilises keyhole and minimally-invasive surgical techniques where possible

Keyhole Rotator Cuff Repair

Total Shoulder Replacement using Patient Specific Instrumentation

Keyhole Shoulder Reconstruction for instability

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Dr Chien-Wen Liew – Adelaide Hip | Knee Surgeon

Hip and Knee Procedures

Internationally trained, and now a trainer of surgeons worldwide

Dr Liew performs exclusively Hip and Knee procedure

Direct Anterior Approach for THR

Patient Specific Technology with Kinematic alignment for TKR.

Find out more

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  Dr Mike Smith – Foot | Ankle | Knee Surgeon


Foot and Ankle Procedures

Dr. Smith has a particular passion for keyhole bunion corrections

and utilises minimally invasive surgical techniques where possible

to manage the full spectrum of foot and ankle conditions. 

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What we Do

Orthopaedics 360 provide tailored surgical excellence, with a focus on minimally invasive procedures and enhanced post-operative recovery.


  • Keyhole Rotator Cuff Repair
  • Total Shoulder Replacement
  • Shoulder Reconstruction
  • Impingement & Bursitis Surgery


  • Carpal Tunnel Release
  • Wrist Fracture


  • Total Knee Replacements using patient specific technology
    • Kinematic alignment
    • Single use instruments


  • Keyhole Bunion Corrections
  • Hammer toe corrections
  • Neuroma excisions
  • Keyhole Plantar fascia release
  • 1st MTP joint Cartiva procedure (For Arthritis)


  • Cubital Tunnel Release
  • Total Elbow Replacement
  • Arthritis Management


  • Total Hip Replacements performed using the direct anterior approac
    • Patient Specific Technology
    • Intra-operative verification


  • Ankle Arthroscopy, Ligament reconstruction
  • Achilles repair/reconstruction
  • Arthritis management

Trauma Surgery

  • Sports Injuries
  • Fractures and Dislocations



One of the great benefits of being a Foot and Ankle surgeon, is the multitude of pathologies that we see and manage on a daily basis. The procedure that i am most passionate about is also the most common condition that i manage – ‘Keyhole Bunion Corrections’. Our ability to manage Bunion deformities has drastically changed over the years, and having the technology available to us to be able to perform these procedures as a ‘Day case’ through tiny incisions, whilst allowing the patient to walk immediately, is certainly rewarding.

When asked: “What is the procedure you’re most passionate about?”

Dr. Mike Smith


There are so many fulfilling parts of the work week, from completing each operation, to greeting our patients in the waiting room, and seeing their smiling faces as they reminisce over what it was like pre-operatively. It is such a pleasure doing what I do everyday.

When asked: “What is the best part of the week?”

Dr Chien-Wen Liew

It’s tremendously satisfying to be able to see and manage our patients with a wide range of Shoulder and upper limb problems. It gives me particular professional satisfaction when I’m able to see patients after surgery who have their pain relieved, their function restored, and who are returning to doing the things they love.

When asked: “What do you enjoy the most about being an Orthopaedic Surgeon?”

Dr. Raymond Yu

What Surgeries are we most passionate about

Our surgeons perform multiple procedures in their respective subspecialty fields. Below are a few of the techniques that they are most passionate about.

Rotator Cuff Repair

Dr Yu performs this procedure via keyhole or minimally-invasive techniques. He has a focus on post-operative pain control and early rehabilitation.

Total Shoulder Replacement

Performed for shoulder arthritis or for irreparable rotator cuff tears, Dr Yu performs total shoulder replacements utilising 3D computer planning and Patient Specific Instrumentation (pictured)


Dr Yu performs keyhole shoulder reconstruction and stabilisations via tiny incisions. For athletes or heavy labourers, he is pleased to also offer the Latarjet shoulder reconstruction.


Dr Yu performs keyhole surgery to treat shoulder impingement and bursitis. Early rehabilitation and active exercises are enouraged after this day surgery procedure. 

Total Hip Replacements

Performed using the direct anterior approach and patient specific technology, Dr Liew is one of the World’s leading hip replacement surgeons. 

Keyhole Bunion Correction

Minimally Invasive Bunion corrections are performed through tiny incisions. Performed as a day procedure, with the ability for early weight bearing, Dr Smith is on the forefront of this latest technology.


Performed using patient specific technology, Drs Liew and Smith perform their surgery using a medial pivot design. Kinematic alignment is a key feature in their discussions. 


Dr. Smith performs ligament reconstructions in combination with keyhole arthroscopy as a day procedure.


The Cartiva procedure is a surgical option for managing Big toe (1st MTP joint) arthritis. Designed to allevate arthritic symptoms, while maintaining joint range of motion, Dr. Smith utilises this procedure for appropriate patients. 


Dr. Smith performs keyhole ankle arthroscopies to manage an array of conditions, ranging from ankle impingement (spur formation), to ligament recontructions, and removal of loose bodies.


Dr. Mike Smith performs keyhole releases of the plantar fascia for patients who have perstant pain from plantar fasciitis despite conservative measures.

Our Staff

Handpicked for the highest service quality



Personal Assistant to Dr Liew



Registered Nurse



Personal Assistant to Dr. Mooney



Personal Assistant to Dr Smith



Personal Assistant to Dr Yu



Registered Nurse

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