Chiropractic care in Hip and Knee Surgery
Chiropractic Care
Michael Eid from The Chiropractic Works on 8363 5773 have clinics in Norwood and Henley beach. Along with a specialised team, Dr Michael Eid has been an associate since March 2012 and partner at The Chiropractic Works, Norwood since November 2016. Michael first became involved in Chiropractic while he was studying Exercise and Sports Science at RMIT.
Chiropractic care is a gentle, neuro-musculo-skeletal approach to care. Chiropractors take a global approach from the top down and the inside out. Starting with the spine and working outwards along kinetic chains. For the purposes of this blog we will discuss the management of patients undergoing hip and knee surgery.
Biomechanical restrictions of the lumbopelvic hip may result in abnormal walking patterns. This can have an effect on the rate of wear and tear of the hip and may also have an impact on the knee.
From a chiropractic perspective, we look to optimise lumbopelvic and hip joint movement, through spinal and peripheral joint adjusting (spinal manipulative therapy). As well as treatment of myofascial restrictions with manual techniques, for example massage.
Entrapment and compression of superficial peripheral nerves arising from the lower back overlying the hip and thigh can also contribute to pain and movement restriction. We are able to liberate the nerves and soothe local inflammation with a specialised topical, ProloGel.
We also look to address the gluteal muscle group, as it is of great importance in our ability to move around the world. The glute complex stabilises the pelvis during the swing phase of gait, as well as maintaining a neutral hip position during other movements through activities of daily living like lunging and squatting.
In some circumstances improving the activation and strength the glutes, as well as reducing any biomechanical restrictions can delay the need for surgery.
As for the knee, the quadriceps muscle group is extremely important in slowing the body down during gait. Learning to properly control the lengthening of the quads under load is important in taking tension and stress off the knee, hip and lower back. When eccentric control breaks down, (lengthening contractions), the force that should be absorbed by the muscles gets transmitted to the tendon and joint, in this case the knee, hip and lower back. By assessing how the biomechanics of the lower limb are working we are able to address any restrictions to movement as well as improve the function of the joints.
Basic rehabilitation strategies to improve eccentric control can be done in clinic and at home to retrain abnormal patterns.
Is chiropractic care an option post-surgery?
Assisting the body in acclimatising to new movement patterns post operatively. As pain changes the way the body moves, abnormal motor patterns will have to be retrained with a new hip or knee. Initially post-surgery some other musculature in the lower back, pelvis or along the kinetic chain may cause pain, Getting checked by a Chiropractor after surgery can assist in improving lumbopelvic biomechanics, reducing tension and stress in tight muscles of the lower back and assist in the management of neurogenic inflammation of surrounding superficial peripheral nerves that may have been irritated by compensatory movement patterns due to the pathological joint, or the surgical process. Once the pain is under control we will look to help to activate and strengthen the glutes and improve the eccentric control of the quadriceps.
Join us next Friday for another 360 article written by one of our treatment partners.
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